...The Bitter End

Yes, I failed. I was unable to keep Arrested Development alive. It is simply one of the best shows EVER. I kid you not.
If you were unable to catch this work of genius while it was on the air (as apparently most of us did), do yourself a favor and purchase the DVDs. Season 3 is out as of yesterday and you can pick up all seasons for around $20 each if you are frugal like me.
It was a heavy week for TV on DVD as Desperate Housewives Season 3 and Nip/Tuck Season 3 came out also. For both shows, these seasons were uneven but worthy.
As for new music, look out for the new & improved Jessica Simpson...

Surprisingly, Jess offers a decent pop album. After searching for a sound, she has finally settled on a nice 80's-tinged pop feel. Not only is this overly evident on the "Holiday" rip-off title track and the remake of "You Spin Me Round (Like A Record)". Surely not a great album, but it is nice to not hear screaming and breathing passed as singing for a change.
Also you have to give Jess credit for good taste. She profusely thanks Patty Griffin's lyrics for inspiration during her break-up and even covered the classic "Let Him Fly". The remake is scary but not as cringe-worthy as the "Angels" remake.
I have had sneak listens of the Beyonce and Justin Timberlake albums. JT's album is smoking. Each track is hot and I was singing along to the melodies by the end of the first listen of each tune.
Beyonce's is fine, but not ground breaking. I do like her more aggressive style on this one though.
More to come soon!