...No Drinking & Driving
Let this be a lesson to all of you: If you drink and drive (and get caught), you will be killed off on your hit TV show!
This means you Libby & Ana Lucia...

The surprise was not that Lost got rid of its two problem children, it was who did it. I know "The Others" have leverage on Michael, but were my eyes deceiving me when I saw he turn the gun on himself! WTF!
(Future Spoilers Start Here)
Actually, there is a chance that Libby may not be gone, but I couldn't resist making that picture. Who knows what she was holding beneath those blankets and her in-the-nuthouse-with-Hurley storyline is too good to give up on. In fact, in an interview with the show creators, they freely talked about AL being dead (and being planned that way all along)but no concrete statements on Libby's fate.
Also, it appears that the May 17th eppy will be Michael flashbacks. So, did he just shoot himself in the arm? I really thought it was the chest. By the way, I have edited this post a million times as I run across information.
Don't you think you opened with spoilers? Really? Mugshots and XXs...nice touch. :)
you totally did give it away. if i hadn't watched last night i would have been PISSED!
and i was totally shocked. totally. it was awesome.
I thought about spoiler tags, but was too lazy to bother. Also, everyone I know who reads this page already made comments about last night elsewhere ;)
I'll be more careful next time for any lurkers out there.
I am very sorry...
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